Découvrez la magie de la biodisponibilité du CBD: Votre guide ultime

Discover the Magic of CBD Bioavailability: Your Ultimate Guide

May 16, 2023Manu N.

As more people discover the potential benefits of CBD, there is growing interest in understanding how to optimize its effectiveness. A crucial factor to consider when using CBD is its bioavailability, or how well it is absorbed and used by the body.

The method of consumption can have a significant impact on this essential metric, as it affects both the amount and the rate at which CBD enters the bloodstream.

From oral capsules to inhalation methods like smoking or vaping, each approach offers different levels of bioavailability that ultimately affect their effectiveness.

In this article, we will explore different modes of administration for CBD products and examine their respective bioavailability values ​​so that you can make informed decisions on how best to take advantage of the many potential benefits of this fascinating compound.

Understanding the Bioavailability of CBD

Bioavailability refers to the percentage of CBD that is absorbed by our body and how quickly it is assimilated into the bloodstream. Understanding the bioavailability of CBD is crucial because it affects the effectiveness and potency of this substance in our system.

The method of consumption strongly impacts the bioavailability of CBD, with intravenous administration having the highest absorption rate. Other methods of consumption such as ingestion, sublingual administration, inhalation and topical application result in varying levels of effectiveness and speed.

Intravenous administration is not practical for most people, so let's take a closer look at more feasible methods:

  • Sublingual administration: involves placing drops or sprays under the tongue or on the tissues lining the mouth for direct absorption into the bloodstream. This method allows for rapid onset effects (within 15 minutes), bioavailability ranging from 27 to 35%, and longer lasting effects than inhalation.

  • Oral administration: includes ingesting CBD-infused capsules or edibles that pass through your digestive system and then your liver before reaching your bloodstream. Bioavailability ranges from 5 to 10% due to breakdown by digestive enzymes.

  • Inhalation: Smoking or vaping delivers CBD directly to the lungs where it quickly enters the bloodstream (bioavailability up to 46%). However, it can be difficult for those with lung problems.

  • Topical application: primarily used for localized pain relief; includes creams and balms applied directly to the skin with a low bioavailability of approximately 5-10%.

Factors affecting bioavailability include the quality of the product consumed, the dosage taken as well as various health issues like liver function. It is essential to choose high quality products while considering the factors that influence bioavailability when administering different forms/methods of consumption.

What is Bioavailability?

CBD bioavailability refers to the percentage of CBD actually absorbed by the body and made available for use. When consumed, CBD must pass through various barriers in our body, such as the digestive system or lungs, before it can reach its target. During this journey, some of the cannabinoids may be lost.

Several factors contribute to the bioavailability of CBD within our body:

  • Way of consuming

  • Dosage

  • CBD quality

Understanding how each factor affects absorption can help you choose a delivery method that maximizes bioavailability. The next subheadings will explore two modes: sublingual and oral administration, and their impact on bioavailability.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound naturally found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, another compound found in cannabis that produces psychoactive effects, CBD does not produce any psychotropic effects. Instead, it has been shown to have various potential health benefits.

CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a role in regulating functions such as mood, sleep, appetite, and immune response. The ECS consists of receptors throughout the body that respond to cannabinoids like CBD.

CBD can be consumed in various forms such as oils, edibles, capsules, topical products like creams and ointments for localized pain relief as well as infused drinks and snacks. Each form of consumption differs in terms of bioavailability and time for effects to appear.

Research has shown that CBD may have potential therapeutic benefits for conditions such as anxiety disorders, relieving symptoms related to chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, sleep disorders, epilepsy, among others, but Further studies are needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn.

It is important to note that although CBD is generally considered safe with minimal noticeable side effects, some concerns have been raised about its interaction with certain medications, so always talk to your doctor first if you are considering it. use for therapeutic purposes, especially if you are on other medications.

What is bioavailability in CBD?

CBD bioavailability refers to the percentage and rate at which CBD is absorbed and assimilated by the body into the bloodstream. This is an important factor to consider when consuming CBD products because it determines how much of the active substance actually enters your system.

The method of consumption is a key factor in determining the bioavailability of CBD, with intravenous administration having the highest rate due to direct injection into the bloodstream. However, this method is not practical for daily use.

Other methods such as sublingual administration involve placing drops or sprays directly under the tongue, allowing for more efficient absorption compared to oral ingestion where the enzymes in our digestive system destroy much of the active substance before it can be used by our body. In comparison, inhalation through smoking or vaping allows for rapid onset effects and high bioavailability rates of up to 46%.

It is important to note that other factors such as liver function and dosage also affect CBD bioavailability. Users are recommended to start with lower doses and adjust accordingly based on their individual response.

Understanding the bioavailability of CBD can help consumers make informed decisions when choosing the product and method of consumption that best suits their needs.

Factors Affecting CBD Bioavailability

The bioavailability of CBD is affected by several factors, including the method of consumption, dosage and quality of the CBD product. The method of consumption plays an important role in determining how much CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream and how quickly it takes effect.

Inhalation methods like smoking or vaping offer rapid onset times and have high concentrations of active substance due to direct passage through the lungs. Sublingual administration involves placing drops or sprays under the tongue, which allows for better absorption because it enters the circulation directly.

On the other hand, oral ingestion may result in lower concentrations because they are digested before entering the circulation, while transdermal patches provide more sustained release over time. So, depending on your needs or preferences, one form may be more suitable than another.

Another factor that affects the bioavailability of CBD is dosage; too little will not produce the desired effects while too much can significantly reduce effectiveness by overwhelming the receptor sites leading to negative side effects (reduced appetite). Consuming high-quality CBD products with proper formulation ensures higher quantity and purity as there are no contaminants present that could affect bioavailability.

So choose wisely! It is essential to avoid buying from unverified sources when purchasing CBD products online, as low-quality options lead to reduced effectiveness, which can harm your health instead of improving it.

Way of consuming

One of the key factors that influence the bioavailability of CBD is the method of consumption. There are several ways to consume CBD, including oral, inhalation, sublingual and transdermal administration.

Oral administration involves consuming CBD in the form of capsules, edibles, or oils. Although this method is one of the most common forms of consumption due to its convenience and availability in the market, it also has the lowest bioavailability with only 6-19% absorption due to the difficulty absorption and destruction by digestive enzymes.

Inhalation is another form where smoking and vaping have similar bioavailability and rapid onset of effects. This method allows rapid entry into the circulation through the lungs, but can damage lung tissue over time.

Sublingual administration provides a more efficient means of absorption than oral administration because the drops or sprays are directly placed under/on the tongue/mouth, allowing faster entry into the circulation. This approach offers concentrations between 27 and 35%, depending on various factors such as dose amount and concentration strength; Additionally, sublingual administration bypasses certain parts such as the stomach (digestive juices) and liver (enzyme breakdown).

Transdermal application involves applying products directly to the skin to achieve localized benefits or full body relief from conditions such as arthritic pain without the side effects found in smoking/ingestion methods at levels almost similar to those observed with other methods responsible for a better systemic effect by driving molecules deeper inside. body tissues – highest levels achieved approximately two hours after the start of treatment with maximum effectiveness eight hours after application depending on the characteristics of the formulation, among other properties specifically regarding the product design (such as patch size).

Overall, these different routes offer varying degrees of effectiveness when it comes to delivering the therapeutic effects of CBD into your body. Depending on your needs/preferences/health conditions, one can make an informed choice on which mode would be beneficial.


When it comes to CBD dosage, there are a few important factors to keep in mind. The dosage that is best for you will depend on your body weight, the severity of your symptoms, and your individual sensitivity to CBD.

It is important to start with a low dose and gradually increase until you achieve the desired effect. In fact, taking too much CBD can actually make your symptoms worse or cause unwanted side effects like drowsiness or nausea.

Another thing to consider is the bioavailability of the product you are using. Different delivery methods have different levels of absorption and effectiveness, so it's important to choose an appropriate dosage based on how much CBD will actually enter your bloodstream.

Some experts recommend starting with 1 to 6 mg of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight per day and adjusting up or down as needed. Others suggest starting with a lower dose of 2 to 5 mg per day and increasing by no more than 5 mg each week until you reach a comfortable level.

Ultimately, finding the right dosage for you may take some trial and error. It is always best to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you are currently taking medications or have underlying health conditions.

CBD quality

One of the key factors that affects the bioavailability of CBD is the quality of the CBD used. Poor quality or impure CBD products can result in lower absorption and utilization by the body. It is important to choose high-quality and reputable brands when purchasing CBD products.

When it comes to evaluating the quality of a CBD product, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, look for third-party lab test results that confirm the purity and potency of the product. These tests should show not only the presence of CBD, but also any other cannabinoids or contaminants that may be present.

Another aspect of quality is the extraction method – some methods are more effective than others in terms of preserving all the beneficial compounds of the hemp plant without harmful components like solvents and pesticides.

Finally, consider how the product is formulated - full-spectrum extracts offer greater effectiveness than isolates because they contain most of the natural phytocannabinoids that have many health benefits, while isolate molecules do not offer complete entourage effect (synergistic effect between different molecules). Other additives such as flavors or carrier oils can also impact bioavailability.

By choosing high-quality products with pure ingredients, you can optimize your chances of better CBD bioavailability and get the most out of this powerful natural substance for your health.

Bioavailability of CBD sublingually

One of the most effective methods of consuming CBD is sublingual administration, which involves placing drops or sprays directly under the tongue. This method allows rapid absorption into the bloodstream, as it bypasses the digestive system and liver filtration processes which can decrease bioavailability.

Studies have shown that sublingual administration has a bioavailability of 27-35%, making it more effective than oral ingestion. The high concentration of blood vessels under the tongue allows for rapid and efficient absorption, allowing for a quicker onset of effects compared to other methods.

When using CBD products in this form, it is important to hold them in place for at least 30 seconds before swallowing so that they can be fully absorbed into your bloodstream. The effects can last between 4 and 6 hours depending on factors such as dosage and individual metabolism.

It is worth mentioning that not all CBD products are created equal, so you should always choose high-quality products from trusted sources. It is also important to note that while sublingual administration may be one of the most effective forms of CBD consumption in terms of bioavailability, it may not be suitable for everyone due to personal preferences or medical conditions.

Now let's take a closer look at another popular method: oral ingestion.

Sublingual Administration

Sublingual administration refers to CBD products that are placed under the tongue or sprayed inside the mouth. This method is a popular choice for those looking for rapid and effective absorption of CBD into their bloodstream.

An advantage of sublingual administration is that it allows CBD to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This results in a faster onset time and higher bioavailability, with a bioavailability rate between 27 and 35%. The effects of sublingual administration can be felt within minutes and usually last for several hours.

The concentration of active substance in sublingual forms may be lower than other methods, but this is offset by the fact that they allow faster absorption into your body's circulatory system. This also allows you to control your dosage more precisely, as less CBD needs to be consumed to achieve a similar effect compared to oral ingestion.

As such, sublingual administration may provide a better experience if you are looking for faster onset times and quicker acting effects from your CBD product. However, its effectiveness may depend on certain factors such as liver function, dosage amount or method of use which could affect the amount actually absorbed into your bloodstream.

It can also show different responses according to each individual body since all organisms react differently depending on various parameters such as age, weight or metabolism etc.

So keep these factors in mind when trying different forms of consuming CBD products and always consult an expert practitioner before using high doses or new methods!

Advantages of sublingual administration

Sublingual administration is a popular method of consuming cannabidiol (CBD) due to its advantages over other methods. CBD is placed under the tongue and absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the sublingual gland, bypassing digestion in the digestive tract and liver. This process allows for faster absorption, higher bioavailability, and more efficient use of the substance by your body.

An advantage of sublingual administration is that it allows for a more rapid onset of effects compared to oral ingestion or topical application. CBD enters your circulation within minutes as soon as it is absorbed, making it effective for acute conditions such as pain or anxiety attacks that require rapid relief.

Another advantage of sublingual administration is that you can dose more precisely because you feel the effects more quickly than with oral ingestion. You only need a small amount as this form has high concentrations per droplet/formulation which eliminates waste.

This method also allows for better dosage control since you can start with low doses and gradually increase (titration), thus finding an optimal dosage level, whether daily maintenance intake or use during flare-ups where large quantities higher are necessary.

Generally speaking, sublingual administration offers a reliable way to consume CBD and is very effective in terms of bioavailability due to fewer obstacles between consumption and its assimilation by our system; thus producing powerful effects without requiring larger doses which can cause unwanted side effects.

Next, we'll take a closer look at the factors affecting the sublingual bioavailability of CBD so we know how to maximize the potential benefits this method has to offer!

Factors Affecting Sublingual Bioavailability

Several factors affect the sublingual bioavailability of CBD. One of these factors is the concentration or quantity of the substance. Higher concentrations may result in faster and more efficient absorption into the bloodstream.

Another important factor is time. Sublingual administration allows direct entry into the bloodstream, but it takes some time for CBD to take effect, typically taking 15 to 45 minutes before its effects begin to show.

The method and form of product you use can also greatly affect sublingual bioavailability. Oils and sprays tend to be absorbed more effectively than other forms like edibles or capsules due to their liquid consistency which makes contact with the oral mucosa easier.

Other factors include individual differences such as weight, liver function, metabolic rate, general health, and age that determine how quickly CBD metabolizes in the body.

It is important to keep in mind that although sublingual administration has a higher bioavailability compared to oral ingestion; However, there could be differences between products based on their processing methods, from plant extraction to finished products like oils where the types of carrier oils or added chemicals could impact bioavailability.

Bioavailability of CBD by ingestion

When it comes to consuming CBD, ingestion is one of the most popular methods. Ingesting CBD products such as capsules, oils or edibles offers many benefits such as ease of use and discretion when consuming.

However, the oral administration method has lower bioavailability than other methods due to difficulty in absorption through the digestive system. It is estimated that only about 6-19% of CBD is absorbed when consumed orally due to its breakdown by digestive enzymes in the liver.

Despite this, oral administration still has its advantages. For example, it allows for more precise dosing compared to other methods like inhalation or sublingual administration which can be difficult to measure accurately. Additionally, ingesting CBD products results in a longer-lasting effect because they are gradually released into your bloodstream over a period of several hours.

To improve the bioavailability of CBD when ingested orally, certain strategies can be used, such as taking high-quality CBD products from reputable brands that have been third-party tested for purity and potency.

Another strategy is to consume healthy fats with your dose of CBD oil, which can help increase its solubility and absorption rate in the body's digestive system. Finally, nano-emulsified forms of ingestible products can provide increased bioavailability by breaking down molecules into smaller sizes so that they are easier for our body's systems to absorb.

In conclusion, oral administration may not provide optimal bioavailability, but it remains a popular method among users, in part because more studies need to be conducted on how best to maximize absorption rates thanks to this mode and also because everyone's response varies depending on factors such as the liver. Dosing function and quantity.

Oral administration

Oral administration: Optimize CBD bioavailability for optimal well-being

Oral administration is one of the most popular and convenient methods for consuming CBD. It involves ingesting CBD-infused products, such as capsules, oils or edibles, which are then absorbed through the digestive system. Although this method offers many benefits, it is essential to understand how to optimize the bioavailability of CBD to get the most out of its beneficial effects.

Bioavailability refers to the amount and rate at which an active substance is absorbed and used by the body. For CBD, bioavailability varies depending on the delivery method chosen. When ingested orally, the bioavailability of CBD is generally lower due to metabolic “first pass”. This phenomenon occurs when CBD is metabolized by the liver before reaching the bloodstream, reducing its concentration and potential effects.

However, there are several tips for improving the bioavailability of CBD when administered orally:

  1. Choosing liposomal products: Liposomes are tiny vesicles that encapsulate CBD, allowing for better absorption and protection against degradation. Liposomal products can significantly improve the oral bioavailability of CBD.

  2. Consume with fatty foods: Since CBD is fat-soluble, its bioavailability can be improved when taken with foods high in fat. This allows CBD to bind to lipids, making it easier to absorb and transport through the body.

  3. Opt for full-spectrum formulations: Full-spectrum products contain not only CBD, but also other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids found in the cannabis plant. These compounds can work together to create an “entourage effect,” improving the effectiveness and bioavailability of CBD.

  4. Maintain a regular routine: Taking CBD orally regularly can help maintain stable levels of CBD in the body, thereby optimizing its effects on well-being.

In summary, oral administration of CBD offers a convenient and discreet method to enjoy its benefits. By considering the tips mentioned above, you can optimize the bioavailability of CBD and maximize its potential to improve your overall well-being.

Advantages of oral administration

Oral administration refers to the ingestion of CBD products through the mouth. This is a common consumption method for those who are new to CBD or prefer not to inhale it. This method involves taking capsules, edibles such as gummies or chocolate, or adding drops of oil to foods and drinks.

One of the benefits of oral administration is that it is a simple and discreet way to consume CBD. You can easily incorporate it into your daily routine without attracting attention. Additionally, this method produces effects that may last longer than other methods due to the slower release of CBD into the digestive system.

However, one of the disadvantages of oral administration is that it has lower bioavailability than other methods, with only 6-19% of CBD absorbed by the body due to digestion and filtration by the liver . As a result, higher doses may be required to achieve therapeutic levels.

It is also important to note that absorption may vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism, liver function and general health. Therefore, some people may experience stronger effects than others after consuming the same amount of product orally.

Additionally, since this form passes through the digestive tract before entering the bloodstream, there could be inconsistencies in dosing as stomach contents affect how quickly cannabinoids are absorbed from supplements like pills or edibles.

In summary, although oral administration has advantages such as simplicity and discretion, it has limitations as bioavailability is highly dependent on factors such as dosage form (e.g. capsule vs powder) which can impact absorption rates; individual differences in users' metabolic rate/liver function will also play a role here!

Factors affecting oral bioavailability

Several factors affect the oral bioavailability of CBD, namely the rate of absorption and the concentration of active CBD in the blood.

An important factor is the ability of the digestive system to break down and filter the CBD before it enters circulation. The liver can extensively metabolize CBD before it has a chance to enter the systemic circulation, resulting in a bioavailability of approximately 6-19% for oral consumption.

Another crucial factor is the time between consumption and digestion. Oral administration may take up to two hours for peak effects due to slow onset, while sublingual or inhalation methods may have more immediate onset times due to their direct access to the systemic circulation .

Finally, dosage plays an important role in determining oral bioavailability because high doses of CBD tend to not only decrease absorption rates but also exhibit possible toxic effects on liver enzymes involved in drug metabolism. .

Understanding these factors helps improve the overall effectiveness of oral CBD consumption by choosing appropriate dosages, considering dietary intake and product composition when ingesting healthy fats such as avocado slices or nut butter spreads that aid absorption by bypassing successful filtration by first-pass metabolism. .

How to Improve the Bioavailability of CBD

One way to improve the bioavailability of CBD is to choose high-quality CBD products. Look for products that are made from organically grown hemp and have undergone third-party lab testing to ensure purity and potency.

Another option is to use nano-emulsified CBD products. Nano-emulsification breaks down CBD into smaller particles, making it easier for the body to absorb.

Consuming CBD with healthy fats can also improve bioavailability. This is because cannabinoids like CBD are fat-soluble, meaning they bind to fat molecules in order to be absorbed by the body. Adding healthy fats like coconut oil or avocado oil can increase absorption rates.

It is important to note that although these methods can improve bioavailability, there are still factors at play such as liver function and health conditions that could impact the absorption and elimination of CBD in your system. . It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before adding a new supplement or substance to your routine.

By choosing quality products, using nano-emulsion technology and consuming with healthy fats while taking other aspects related to dosages, modes of administration, etc., we can help optimize the ability of our body to effectively use beneficial substances like cannabidiol (CBD).

Choose high-quality CBD products

When it comes to CBD products, not all are created equal. Choosing a high-quality CBD product is crucial to improving CBD bioavailability and ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

Look for products that are made from organically grown hemp and have been third-party tested to ensure purity and potency. Also consider the extraction method used to obtain the CBD as this can greatly affect its quality.

Additionally, pay attention to the carrier oil used in the product as this can also impact absorption rates. MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride oil) is often used as a carrier oil due to its ability to improve bioavailability.

It is also important to note that higher concentrations of CBD do not necessarily equate to better results or higher bioavailability. In fact, research suggests that there may be an optimal dosage range to get the maximum benefits from CBD.

By choosing high-quality CBD products and following proper dosing guidelines, you can significantly improve the bioavailability of CBD and increase your chances of enjoying its potential health benefits.

Use nano-emulsified CBD products

Nano-emulsification is a process of breaking down CBD oil into tiny nano-sized particles that can be more easily absorbed by the body. Using these products can significantly improve the bioavailability of CBD.

One study found that nano-emulsified CBD products were up to 5 times more bioavailable than standard oil products, meaning they are absorbed and used by the body much more efficiently. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking for a quick and powerful effect.

Another benefit of using nano-emulsified CBD products is their faster onset time, with effects felt in as little as 3-10 minutes after consumption. This rapid action is due to the increase in the surface area of ​​the nanoparticles which allows them to quickly enter the circulation.

It's important to note that not all nano-emulsified CBD products are created equal, so it's essential to choose high-quality brands and confirm their third-party lab test results before incorporating them into your routine.

In addition to providing better absorption rates and faster onset times, nano-emulsified CBD products also allow for lower doses while maintaining therapeutic effects. Additionally, they are available in various forms such as oils, capsules or drinks, making it easier for you to choose what suits you best.

Now that we understand how Nano-Emulsification improves CBD bioavailability, let’s look at another effective method – consuming CBD with healthy fats!

Consume CBD with healthy fats

Consuming CBD with healthy fats is a great way to improve the bioavailability of CBD in your body. This is because cannabinoids are fat-soluble molecules, which means that they dissolve and are absorbed much better in fat than in water.

Some examples of healthy fats you can consume with your CBD include avocado, nuts, seeds, and coconut oil. You may also consider taking CBD capsules or tinctures that have been mixed with MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oil, as it has been found to improve the absorption of cannabinoids like CBD up to four times compared to other oils.

Research has also suggested that consuming a high-fat meal before taking CBD could increase its bioavailability and effectiveness threefold. This is because the digestion process increases blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract, allowing for more efficient absorption of nutrients like CBD into the bloodstream.

By consuming healthy fats alongside your chosen method of consuming CBD products, you are able to increase their effectiveness in the body while enjoying the health benefits of these nutrient-rich foods. It is important, however, not to exceed the maximum recommended doses when using this or any other method, as an overdose may have adverse effects.

Now that we've covered how eating healthy fats can improve CBD bioavailability, let's explore another method to improve absorption through sublingual administration.


In conclusion, understanding the bioavailability of CBD is important for anyone using Cannabidiol products. The method of administration strongly correlates to the amount and speed at which CBD enters the bloodstream. Although there are different consumption methods available, each has a different level of effectiveness when it comes to absorption and assimilation into the body.

Factors affecting the absorption and elimination of CBD include liver function and other health conditions, dosage and method of administration. It is important to choose high-quality CBD products from reputable sources that offer good value for money.

Remember, even though CBD has a high potential for health benefits, it's always best to consult your doctor before incorporating it into your wellness routine. With proper knowledge of CBD bioavailability and responsible use, you can experience its full effects without any unwanted side effects or dangers.

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